Gary Sieling

ExtJs JSON Reader Example

I received the following email from a reader:
Thank you very much for finding time to read my mail.
I came across your blog
It would be greatly helpful, if you could provide me with the code of binding the data dynamically to the DS. I have already generated the data in JSON format via Servlet:

{“success”:true,”campaignList”:[{“NumberOfCampaigns”:1,”CamapaignScheduleDate”:”Mar 23, 2013 12:00:00 AM”}]}

How do I attach this here..

var store = Ext.create(‘’, {
    model: ‘PopulationPoint’,
    data: MY_DATA

Any help would be of great use.
Thanks and regards
There are a couple ways to approach this problem. The linked example that I wrote uses a raw Javascript object to render a pie chart. Lets say your servlet returns JSON in a variable – you could parse this yourself and use the result in the store, but Ext provides the JSONReader for this purpose:
var store = new{
    url: '/servlet',
    root: 'campaignList',
    fields: [{name:'NumberOfCampaigns', type: 'int'}, 
             {name:'CampaignScheduleDate', type:'date'}]
A couple things to note here- this assumes you know the types in advance, and in particular, you want to test dates carefully to make sure you render them in a format Ext can parse.  If needed, you can specify a date format as well, like so: dateFormat: ‘m-d-Y g:i A’
You can add a “mapping” to the fields, to alias columns from the servlet. The root value is optional – if a servlet returns a raw array this is not necessary. You may need to add “totalProperty” to the store as well – this specifies the name of a property in the JSON payload which specifies the total number of records. This is only needed for paging scenarios, where not all the results are returned at once.
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