
class ListSetBuilder[Elem] extends ReusableBuilder[Elem, ListSet[Elem]]

A custom builder because forgetfully adding elements one at a time to a list backed set puts the “squared” in N^2. There is a temporary space cost, but it’s improbable a list backed set could become large enough for this to matter given its pricy element lookup.

This builder is reusable.

Value Members From scala.collection.generic.Growable

def ++=(xs: TraversableOnce[Elem]): ListSetBuilder.this.type

adds all elements produced by a TraversableOnce to this growable collection.

  • xs
    • the TraversableOnce producing the elements to add.
  • returns
    • the growable collection itself.
  • Definition Classes
    • Growable

(defined at scala.collection.generic.Growable)

def +=(elem1: Elem, elem2: Elem, elems: Elem*): ListSetBuilder.this.type

adds two or more elements to this growable collection.

  • elem1
    • the first element to add.
  • elem2
    • the second element to add.
  • elems
    • the remaining elements to add.
  • returns
    • the growable collection itself
  • Definition Classes
    • Growable

(defined at scala.collection.generic.Growable)

Instance Constructors From scala.collection.immutable.ListSet.ListSetBuilder

new ListSetBuilder()

(defined at scala.collection.immutable.ListSet.ListSetBuilder)

Value Members From scala.collection.immutable.ListSet.ListSetBuilder

def +=(x: Elem): ListSetBuilder.this.type

Adds a single element to the builder.

  • returns
    • the builder itself.
  • Definition Classes
    • ListSetBuilder → Builder → Growable

(defined at scala.collection.immutable.ListSet.ListSetBuilder)

val elems: ListBuffer[Elem]

  • Attributes
    • protected

(defined at scala.collection.immutable.ListSet.ListSetBuilder)

def result(): ListSet[Elem]

Produces a collection from the added elements.

After a call to result , the behavior of all other methods is undefined save for clear . If clear is called, then the builder is reset and may be used to build another instance.

  • returns
    • a collection containing the elements added to this builder.
  • Definition Classes
    • ListSetBuilder → ReusableBuilder → Builder

(defined at scala.collection.immutable.ListSet.ListSetBuilder)

val seen: mutable.HashSet[Elem]

  • Attributes
    • protected

(defined at scala.collection.immutable.ListSet.ListSetBuilder)

Value Members From scala.collection.mutable.Builder

def mapResult[NewTo](f: (ListSet[Elem]) ⇒ NewTo): Builder[Elem, NewTo]

Creates a new builder by applying a transformation function to the results of this builder.

  • NewTo
    • the type of collection returned by f .
  • f
    • the transformation function.
  • returns
    • a new builder which is the same as the current builder except that a transformation function is applied to this builder’s result.
  • Definition Classes
    • Builder
  • Note
    • The original builder should no longer be used after mapResult is called.

(defined at scala.collection.mutable.Builder)

def sizeHint(size: Int): Unit

Gives a hint how many elements are expected to be added when the next result is called. Some builder classes will optimize their representation based on the hint. However, builder implementations are still required to work correctly even if the hint is wrong, i.e. a different number of elements is added.

  • size
    • the hint how many elements will be added.
  • Definition Classes
    • Builder

(defined at scala.collection.mutable.Builder)

def sizeHint(coll: TraversableLike[_, _]): Unit

Gives a hint that one expects the result of this builder to have the same size as the given collection, plus some delta. This will provide a hint only if the collection is known to have a cheap size method. Currently this is assumed to be the case if and only if the collection is of type IndexedSeqLike . Some builder classes will optimize their representation based on the hint. However, builder implementations are still required to work correctly even if the hint is wrong, i.e. a different number of elements is added.

  • coll
    • the collection which serves as a hint for the result’s size.
  • Definition Classes
    • Builder

(defined at scala.collection.mutable.Builder)

def sizeHint(coll: TraversableLike[_, _], delta: Int): Unit

Gives a hint that one expects the result of this builder to have the same size as the given collection, plus some delta. This will provide a hint only if the collection is known to have a cheap size method. Currently this is assumed to be the case if and only if the collection is of type IndexedSeqLike . Some builder classes will optimize their representation based on the hint. However, builder implementations are still required to work correctly even if the hint is wrong, i.e. a different number of elements is added.

  • coll
    • the collection which serves as a hint for the result’s size.
  • delta
    • a correction to add to the coll.size to produce the size hint.
  • Definition Classes
    • Builder

(defined at scala.collection.mutable.Builder)

def sizeHintBounded(size: Int, boundingColl: TraversableLike[_, _]): Unit

Gives a hint how many elements are expected to be added when the next result is called, together with an upper bound given by the size of some other collection. Some builder classes will optimize their representation based on the hint. However, builder implementations are still required to work correctly even if the hint is wrong, i.e. a different number of elements is added.

  • size
    • the hint how many elements will be added.
  • boundingColl
    • the bounding collection. If it is an IndexedSeqLike, then sizes larger than collection’s size are reduced.
  • Definition Classes
    • Builder

(defined at scala.collection.mutable.Builder)

Value Members From Implicit scala.collection.parallel.CollectionsHaveToParArray ——————————————————————————–

def toParArray: ParArray[T]

  • Implicit information
    • This member is added by an implicit conversion from ListSetBuilder [Elem] to CollectionsHaveToParArray [ListSetBuilder [Elem], T] performed by method CollectionsHaveToParArray in scala.collection.parallel. This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type (ListSetBuilder [Elem]) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce [T] is in scope.
  • Definition Classes
    • CollectionsHaveToParArray (added by implicit convertion: scala.collection.parallel.CollectionsHaveToParArray)

Full Source:

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package immutable

import generic._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import mutable.{Builder, ReusableBuilder}

/** $factoryInfo
 *  @define Coll immutable.ListSet
 *  @define coll immutable list set
 *  @since 1
object ListSet extends ImmutableSetFactory[ListSet] {
  /** setCanBuildFromInfo */
  implicit def canBuildFrom[A]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, A, ListSet[A]] = setCanBuildFrom[A]

  override def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, ListSet[A]] = new ListSetBuilder[A]

  private object EmptyListSet extends ListSet[Any] { }
  private[collection] def emptyInstance: ListSet[Any] = EmptyListSet

  /** A custom builder because forgetfully adding elements one at
   *  a time to a list backed set puts the "squared" in N^2.  There is a
   *  temporary space cost, but it's improbable a list backed set could
   *  become large enough for this to matter given its pricy element lookup.
   *  This builder is reusable.
  class ListSetBuilder[Elem](initial: ListSet[Elem]) extends ReusableBuilder[Elem, ListSet[Elem]] {
    def this() = this(empty[Elem])
    protected val elems = (new mutable.ListBuffer[Elem] ++= initial).reverse
    protected val seen  = new mutable.HashSet[Elem] ++= initial

    def +=(x: Elem): this.type = {
      if (!seen(x)) {
        elems += x
        seen += x
    def clear() = { elems.clear() ; seen.clear() }
    def result() = elems.foldLeft(empty[Elem])(_ unchecked_+ _)

/** This class implements immutable sets using a list-based data
 *  structure. Instances of `ListSet` represent
 *  empty sets; they can be either created by calling the constructor
 *  directly, or by applying the function `ListSet.empty`.
 *  @tparam A    the type of the elements contained in this list set.
 *  @author  Matthias Zenger
 *  @version 1.0, 09/07/2003
 *  @since   1
 *  @define Coll immutable.ListSet
 *  @define coll immutable list set
 *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
 *  @define willNotTerminateInf
@deprecatedInheritance("The semantics of immutable collections makes inheriting from ListSet error-prone.", "2.11.0")
class ListSet[A] extends AbstractSet[A]
                    with Set[A]
                    with GenericSetTemplate[A, ListSet]
                    with SetLike[A, ListSet[A]]
                    with Serializable{ self =>
  override def companion: GenericCompanion[ListSet] = ListSet

  /** Returns the number of elements in this set.
   *  @return number of set elements.
  override def size: Int = 0
  override def isEmpty: Boolean = true

  /** Checks if this set contains element `elem`.
   *  @param  elem    the element to check for membership.
   *  @return `'''true'''`, iff `elem` is contained in this set.
  def contains(elem: A): Boolean = false

  /** This method creates a new set with an additional element.
  def + (elem: A): ListSet[A] = new Node(elem)

  /** `-` can be used to remove a single element.
  def - (elem: A): ListSet[A] = this

  /** If we are bulk adding elements and desire a runtime measured in
   *  sub-interstellar time units, we better find a way to avoid traversing
   *  the collection on each element.  That's what the custom builder does,
   *  so we take the easy way out and add ourselves and the argument to
   *  a new builder.
  override def ++(xs: GenTraversableOnce[A]): ListSet[A] =
    if (xs.isEmpty) this
    else (new ListSet.ListSetBuilder(this) ++= xs.seq).result()

  private[ListSet] def unchecked_+(e: A): ListSet[A] = new Node(e)
  private[ListSet] def unchecked_outer: ListSet[A] =
    throw new NoSuchElementException("Empty ListSet has no outer pointer")

  /** Creates a new iterator over all elements contained in this set.
   *  @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
   *  @return the new iterator
  def iterator: Iterator[A] = new AbstractIterator[A] {
    var that: ListSet[A] = self
    def hasNext = that.nonEmpty
    def next: A =
      if (hasNext) {
        val res = that.head
        that = that.tail

   *  @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
  override def head: A = throw new NoSuchElementException("Set has no elements")

   *  @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
  override def tail: ListSet[A] = throw new NoSuchElementException("Next of an empty set")

  override def stringPrefix = "ListSet"

  /** Represents an entry in the `ListSet`.
  protected class Node(override val head: A) extends ListSet[A] with Serializable {
    override private[ListSet] def unchecked_outer = self

    /** Returns the number of elements in this set.
     *  @return number of set elements.
    override def size = sizeInternal(this, 0)
    @tailrec private def sizeInternal(n: ListSet[A], acc: Int): Int =
      if (n.isEmpty) acc
      else sizeInternal(n.unchecked_outer, acc + 1)

    /** Checks if this set is empty.
     *  @return true, iff there is no element in the set.
    override def isEmpty: Boolean = false

    /** Checks if this set contains element `elem`.
     *  @param  e       the element to check for membership.
     *  @return `'''true'''`, iff `elem` is contained in this set.
    override def contains(e: A) = containsInternal(this, e)
    @tailrec private def containsInternal(n: ListSet[A], e: A): Boolean =
      !n.isEmpty && (n.head == e || containsInternal(n.unchecked_outer, e))

    /** This method creates a new set with an additional element.
    override def +(e: A): ListSet[A] = if (contains(e)) this else new Node(e)

    /** `-` can be used to remove a single element from a set.
    override def -(e: A): ListSet[A] = if (e == head) self else {
      val tail = self - e; new tail.Node(head)

    override def tail: ListSet[A] = self

  override def toSet[B >: A]: Set[B] = this.asInstanceOf[ListSet[B]]