
object LambdaDeserializer

This class is only intended to be called by synthetic $deserializeLambda$ method that the Scala 2.12 compiler will add to classes hosting lambdas.

It is not intended to be consumed directly.

Value Members From scala.runtime.LambdaDeserializer

def deserializeLambda(lookup: Lookup, cache: Map[String, MethodHandle], serialized: SerializedLambda): AnyRef

Deserialize a lambda by calling LambdaMetafactory.altMetafactory to spin up a lambda class and instantiating this class with the captured arguments.

A cache may be provided to ensure that subsequent deserialization of the same lambda expression is cheap, it amounts to a reflective call to the constructor of the previously created class. However, deserialization of the same lambda expression is not guaranteed to use the same class, concurrent deserialization of the same lambda expression may spin up more than one class.


  • No additional marker interfaces are required beyond {,scala.}Serializable . These are not stored in SerializedLambda , so we can’t reconstitute them.
  • No additional bridge methods are passed to altMetafactory . Again, these are not stored.

  • lookup
    • The factory for method handles. Must have access to the implementation method, the functional interface class, and or scala.Serializable as required.
  • cache
    • A cache used to avoid spinning up a class for each deserialization of a given lambda. May be null
  • serialized
    • The lambda to deserialize. Note that this is typically created by the readResolve member of the anonymous class created by LambdaMetaFactory .
  • returns
    • An instance of the functional interface (defined at scala.runtime.LambdaDeserializer)

Full Source:

package scala.runtime

import java.lang.invoke._

 * This class is only intended to be called by synthetic `$deserializeLambda$` method that the Scala 2.12
 * compiler will add to classes hosting lambdas.
 * It is not intended to be consumed directly.
object LambdaDeserializer {
   * Deserialize a lambda by calling `LambdaMetafactory.altMetafactory` to spin up a lambda class
   * and instantiating this class with the captured arguments.
   * A cache may be provided to ensure that subsequent deserialization of the same lambda expression
   * is cheap, it amounts to a reflective call to the constructor of the previously created class.
   * However, deserialization of the same lambda expression is not guaranteed to use the same class,
   * concurrent deserialization of the same lambda expression may spin up more than one class.
   * Assumptions:
   *  - No additional marker interfaces are required beyond `{,scala.}Serializable`. These are
   *    not stored in `SerializedLambda`, so we can't reconstitute them.
   *  - No additional bridge methods are passed to `altMetafactory`. Again, these are not stored.
   * @param lookup      The factory for method handles. Must have access to the implementation method, the
   *                    functional interface class, and `` or `scala.Serializable` as
   *                    required.
   * @param cache       A cache used to avoid spinning up a class for each deserialization of a given lambda. May be `null`
   * @param serialized  The lambda to deserialize. Note that this is typically created by the `readResolve`
   *                    member of the anonymous class created by `LambdaMetaFactory`.
   * @return            An instance of the functional interface
  def deserializeLambda(lookup: MethodHandles.Lookup, cache: java.util.Map[String, MethodHandle], serialized: SerializedLambda): AnyRef = {
    def slashDot(name: String) = name.replaceAll("/", ".")
    val loader = lookup.lookupClass().getClassLoader
    val implClass = loader.loadClass(slashDot(serialized.getImplClass))

    def makeCallSite: CallSite = {
      import serialized._
      def parseDescriptor(s: String) =
        MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString(s, loader)

      val funcInterfaceSignature = parseDescriptor(getFunctionalInterfaceMethodSignature)
      val instantiated = parseDescriptor(getInstantiatedMethodType)
      val functionalInterfaceClass = loader.loadClass(slashDot(getFunctionalInterfaceClass))

      val implMethodSig = parseDescriptor(getImplMethodSignature)
      // Construct the invoked type from the impl method type. This is the type of a factory
      // that will be generated by the meta-factory. It is a method type, with param types
      // coming form the types of the captures, and return type being the functional interface.
      val invokedType: MethodType = {
        // 1. Add receiver for non-static impl methods
        val withReceiver = getImplMethodKind match {
          case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeStatic | MethodHandleInfo.REF_newInvokeSpecial =>
          case _ =>
            implMethodSig.insertParameterTypes(0, implClass)
        // 2. Remove lambda parameters, leaving only captures. Note: the receiver may be a lambda parameter,
        //    such as in `Function<Object, String> s = Object::toString`
        val lambdaArity = funcInterfaceSignature.parameterCount()
        val from = withReceiver.parameterCount() - lambdaArity
        val to = withReceiver.parameterCount()

        // 3. Drop the lambda return type and replace with the functional interface.
        withReceiver.dropParameterTypes(from, to).changeReturnType(functionalInterfaceClass)

      // Lookup the implementation method
      val implMethod: MethodHandle = try {
        findMember(lookup, getImplMethodKind, implClass, getImplMethodName, implMethodSig)
      } catch {
        case e: ReflectiveOperationException => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal lambda deserialization", e)

      val flags: Int = LambdaMetafactory.FLAG_SERIALIZABLE | LambdaMetafactory.FLAG_MARKERS
      val isScalaFunction = functionalInterfaceClass.getName.startsWith("scala.Function")
      val markerInterface: Class[_] = loader.loadClass(if (isScalaFunction) ScalaSerializable else JavaIOSerializable)

        lookup, getFunctionalInterfaceMethodName, invokedType,

        /* samMethodType          = */ funcInterfaceSignature,
        /* implMethod             = */ implMethod,
        /* instantiatedMethodType = */ instantiated,
        /* flags                  = */ flags.asInstanceOf[AnyRef],
        /* markerInterfaceCount   = */ 1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef],
        /* markerInterfaces[0]    = */ markerInterface,
        /* bridgeCount            = */ 0.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]

    val key = serialized.getImplMethodName + " : " + serialized.getImplMethodSignature
    val factory: MethodHandle = if (cache == null) {
    } else cache.get(key) match {
      case null =>
        val callSite = makeCallSite
        val temp = callSite.getTarget
        cache.put(key, temp)
      case target => target

    val captures = Array.tabulate(serialized.getCapturedArgCount)(n => serialized.getCapturedArg(n))
    factory.invokeWithArguments(captures: _*)

  private val ScalaSerializable = "scala.Serializable"

  private val JavaIOSerializable = {
    // We could actually omit this marker interface as LambdaMetaFactory will add it if
    // the FLAG_SERIALIZABLE is set and of the provided markers extend it. But the code
    // is cleaner if we uniformly add a single marker, so I'm leaving it in place.

  private def findMember(lookup: MethodHandles.Lookup, kind: Int, owner: Class[_],
                         name: String, signature: MethodType): MethodHandle = {
    kind match {
      case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeStatic =>
        lookup.findStatic(owner, name, signature)
      case MethodHandleInfo.REF_newInvokeSpecial =>
        lookup.findConstructor(owner, signature)
      case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeVirtual | MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeInterface =>
        lookup.findVirtual(owner, name, signature)
      case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeSpecial =>
        lookup.findSpecial(owner, name, signature, owner)