Fixing “The box ‘base’ could not be found.” (Vagrant)

This is an indication that the the base virtual image is not configured, usually from forgetting to finish the installation. This image is copied, and modified to produce the desired virtualized environment. It’s easy to fix, by running the following:

vagrant box add base

It is also possible that you installed the box under a different name (the Vagrant website sometimes refers to lucid32). Instead of downloading a new box, in this case, you can edit Vagrantfile like so, changing the box name to whatever you called it on download: = "lucid32"

If you don’t know what you called it:

vagrant box list

19 Replies to “Fixing “The box ‘base’ could not be found.” (Vagrant)”

  1. Guest Addition version 4.2.0
    VirtualBox version 4.3

    that’s the last line I get from my window prompt before everything goes to a stand still… I’m new to this and would appreciate any help…

  2. wow thank you so much. I looked in a ton of places and never found the solution. This worked for me (on yosemite 10.10.3)

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