Installing CouchDB on a VirtualBox instance with Chef and Vagrant

This assumes you’ve already installed Virtualbox and configured a base VM.

mkdir cookbooks
cd cookbooks
git clone
git clone
git clone

cd ..
mkdir vm
cd vm
vagrant init
vi Vagrantfile

Insert the following lines before the last line “end”, like so:

 config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
     chef.cookbooks_path = "../cookbooks"

Exit vi (:q) and run the following:

vagrant up

After several minutes your virtual environment will be built. Once this is done, you can SSH into the machine (password is vagrant):

ssh vagrant@localhost -p 2222

Then see that the couchdb service is installed:

ls /etc/init.d/couch*

The reason you need apt is to force “apt-update” prior to running the later commands. Erlang is a pre-requisite for couchdb, but Chef will just pick that up and install it. If you run into any errors, you may need to change or download the base box.

One Reply to “Installing CouchDB on a VirtualBox instance with Chef and Vagrant”

  1. You might want to try “vagrant ssh” instead of “ssh vagrant@…”. Vagrant will automatically log you in.

    Best regards,

    P.S. “vagrant ssh” doesn’t work under Windows 🙁

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