Geocoding with Python

The script below will take a CSV containing locations and find them.

It has the following features:

  • You can swap out geocoding services
  • For each run, it will look at the results of the past run as a cache
  • For runs that hit an API, it will pause briefly to avoid rate limiting
  • It caches the results as it goes, so that you do not hit an API too many times
  • It prints out stats on how many rows failed to find matches, so that you can correct the input
  • It handles blank rows – this allows you to copy from a partially populated spreadsheet, and pasted back into the original without alignment issues


python3 input.csv output.csv address
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from functools import cache
import sys
import csv
import time
import os

inputfile = sys.argv[1]
outputfile = sys.argv[2]
inputlocation = sys.argv[3]

print("Reading: " + inputfile)
print("Writing: " + outputfile)
print("Address Column: " + inputlocation)

geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="tracker")

class stats:
    lookups = 0
    totalrows = 0
    skips = 0
    unknowns = 0
    successes = 0
    priorruncachehits = 0

def lookup(value):
    stats.lookups = stats.lookups + 1
    return geolocator.geocode(locationvalue, language="en")

previous = {}
if (os.path.exists(outputfile)):
    with open(outputfile, newline='') as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)

        for row in reader:
            locationvalue = row[inputlocation]
            resolved = row['resolved_' + inputlocation]

            if (resolved != None and resolved != ""):
                print('resolved: ' + resolved + " "  + str(row))
                cachedlocation = {}
                cachedlocation[inputlocation] = locationvalue
                cachedlocation['address'] = resolved
                cachedlocation['latitude'] = row['latitude']
                cachedlocation['longitude'] = row['longitude']

                previous[locationvalue] = cachedlocation
with open(outputfile, 'w+', newline='') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)

    headers = [inputlocation, 'resolved_' + inputlocation, 'latitude', 'longitude']

    with open('input.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
        for row in reader:
            stats.totalrows = stats.totalrows + 1
            locationvalue = row[inputlocation]

            if (locationvalue != ""):
                if (locationvalue in previous.keys()):
                    stats.priorruncachehits = stats.priorruncachehits + 1
                    writer.writerow([locationvalue, previous[locationvalue]['address'], previous[locationvalue]['latitude'], previous[locationvalue]['longitude']])
                    location = lookup(locationvalue)
                    if (location == None):
                        stats.unknowns = stats.unknowns + 1
                        print("Failed to find " + locationvalue)
                        writer.writerow([locationvalue, "", "", ""])
                        stats.successes = stats.successes + 1
                        writer.writerow([locationvalue, location.address, location.latitude, location.longitude])
                stats.skips = stats.skips + 1
                writer.writerow(["", "", "", ""])

print("rows: " + str(stats.totalrows))
print("successes: " + str(stats.successes))
print("lookups: " + str(stats.lookups))
print("blank lines: " + str(stats.skips))
print("unknowns: " + str(stats.unknowns))
print("cache hits from prior run: " + str(stats.priorruncachehits))

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